New Beginnings

Evolutionary Enlightenment and Integral Theory

Daniela Bomatter

Evolutionary Enlightenment and Integral Theory: Towards a Turquoise Culture. When spiritually awakened consciousness shines through the Turquoise structure stage, we see without any doubt that coming together beyond ego is the key to solving the challenges of our world.

Imagining Paradise

Imagining Paradise

Daniela Bomatter

Imagining Paradise: Andrew Cohen explores the significance of paradise – not as an earthly realm, but as a state of awakened consciousness; a condition of being in which the dramas and neuroses of the ego are left far behind.

A Time Between Stories

A Time Between Stories

Daniela Bomatter

This series of conversations between Marc Gafni and Andrew Cohen probes the intersection of absolute meaning and relative reality, within the context of the most destabilised and destabilising time in recent history. Marc and Andrew will look deeply into the relentless challenge of being human, particularly at this unique moment in time, while simultaneously celebrating the profound cosmic and metaphysical significance of human incarnation.

Relationships and Enlightenment

Relationships and Enlightenment

Daniela Bomatter

In this talk, Andrew Cohen explores relationships and enlightenment, and the significance of human relatedness within the context of the evolution of consciousness.

The Elusive Nature of Perfect Clarity

The Elusive Nature of Perfect Clarity

Daniela Bomatter

In this talk, Andrew Cohen explores the elusive nature of perfect clarity, and reveals how it’s possible to embrace an integral orientation, in which we are always trying to see beyond our own limitations.

Structure Stages Allergies & Addictions

Structure Stages Part II: Allergies & Addictions

Daniela Bomatter

Daniela Bomatter takes you on an experiential journey of discovery into the eight structure stages of consciousness, as described in Spiral Dynamics and Ken Wilber’s Integral Theory.

Spiritual Bypassing

Spiritual Bypassing

Daniela Bomatter

In this talk, Andrew Cohen explores the phenomenon of spiritual bypassing, and the challenges, contradictions and paradoxes of working with a serious spiritual path.

Intersubjective Nonduality

Intersubjective Nonduality

Daniela Bomatter

Intersubjective Nonduality: a three day virtual retreat with Andrew Cohen. This weekend retreat will be devoted to the miracle of Intersubjective Nonduality in theory and practice.

Evolution of the Triple Gem

The Evolution of the Triple Gem

Daniela Bomatter

In this teaching, Andrew Cohen explores the implications of a radical evolutionary upgrade to the Budhhist teaching framework known as the Triple Gem, and introduces Triple Gem Integral as the newest expression of this great and noble tradition.